Ok so after being on vacation and totally slacking exercise-wise I went to Crossfit 2x in a row this week which is unheard of for me. Both days required a lot of arm work and this morning I could not even blow dry my hair without grimacing in pain. I feel like a gorilla dragging my arms because lifting them is just out of the question. On that note, it felt good to be back into the swing of things and I can honestly say I miss being that sore.
I am also trying to re-vamp my diet by keeping Paleo/Caveman and also practicing intermittent fasting. It can be said that it can help performance,boost immune system, anti-aging and in general can help cleanse your internal organs. I am practicing daily fasting, which comes natural to me. I almost never eat breakfast, and according to Robb Wolf, writer of
The Paleo Solution, it is ok and even more beneficial to skip it. I try to restrict my calorie intake time from the hours 12noon-7pm.
Typically I skip breakfast, have a small salad for lunch around noon then a protein packed dinner. Last night I made snow crab, coconut shrimp and asparagus and washed it all down with Coconut water. I swear, seafood is now my new favorite thing. I'm new to the whole seafood game because growing up I dispised fish and shellfish. Now I absolutely love it!
Taken out of the website: thesameffect.com:
Why Intermittent Fasting Makes Sense To Me
"When evaluating how our bodies evolved, it’s seems reasonable to think that the human body was in a fasted state a lot of the time. Maybe not by choice, but by demand. Food is scarce in the wild. There is no tupperware, no microwaves, no packaged convenience foods. Hunting and gathering takes effort (aka exercise), and often coming up empty handed and remaining hungry would be unavoidable. This is why the human body is extremely effective at storing fat (I know from experience
). In other words, in nature food was probably scarce for most of human evolution. Human beings definitely weren’t pigging out continuously, and most likely the feeding times were irregular and erratic.
Fed vs. Fasted
If you look at modern society, we rarely let ourselves go fasted. I was under the impression that it was a muscle building sin to not have something in the stomach at all times. I don’t know what it’s like to be on steroids, I have never done them, but it seems like most of the ‘never let yourself go hungry’ preaching is coming from the bodybuilding community (the gurus being steroided up). At one point I listened to this preaching without question or critical thought. However, it just didn’t work for me. I found it nearly impossible to actually lose fat, I felt like crap alot of the times (especially in the afternoons), I was drowsy and un-alert, and looking back on it now I just didn’t feel vibrant and healthy.
On that note...Ok, I'm ready for another vacation. Anyone want to go to Bali???